It's Time to Pivot

I’ve started a new business: Dai Technologies Corporation, or DaiTechCorp. We are the turnkey installers of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) positioned to build a more cohesive fueling infrastructure for EVs.

Many people ask how I got into this business. The truth is…I suffer from Range Anxiety, which is a market phenomenon. It describes the gap between a driver’s desires to switch from her gas-guzzling SUV to an electric vehicle. It makes sense on paper: fuel costs, impact on the environment, incentive programs, etc. Yet she won’t make the change because she’s afraid of running out of fuel without an electric vehicle charging station in sight – range anxiety.

So, instead of simply complaining about a lack of accessible chargers, I decided to create my own solution by installing EV chargers.

But it wasn’t always so simple…

I had every intention to jump right into entrepreneurship with Dai Technologies Corporation. But I just couldn’t seem to focus on my new endeavor. How does one turn away from an award-winning career in government and commercial real estate to enter uncharted territory? Needless to say, there were many sleepless nights.   I felt like I had two suitors vying for my undivided attention.

I had to ask myself why I chose the electric vehicle charging business in the first place? After all, gasoline-powered cars is a 100-year-old industry. Then I remembered, I’m putting it all on the line to curb the range anxiety that is keeping me and so many others from buying our dream electric vehicles and have the rare & real-life experience of building a business in the growth stage of a new industrial era.  Secretly, I’ve grown tired of the queue at the Costco gasoline emporium.

I chose to jump in headfirst and answer the call in this industry – the nexus between sustainability and transportation - I chose to jump in headfirst and answer the call in this industry – the nexus between sustainability and transportation - to boost EV accessibility for everyone, from basketball moms to high-power executives. DaiTechCorp is at the forefront of electric vehicle charging because - like gasoline - it’s a vital part of getting around town and daily life.

DaiTechCorp is at the forefront of electric vehicle charging because - like gasoline - it’s a vital part of getting around and daily life. 

No one wants to miss an appointment or an important event because they are stuck on the side of the road without a chance to refuel their car. The fear of an EV breaking down without access to a charging station has even prevented me from purchasing my dream car. Do you feel that way? Well, I can assure you, your customers, tenants, and condo owners are probably feeling the same. There are not enough conveniently placed public charging stations giving people the courage to take the plunge.

I want to provide that courage, so it’s time to pivot: away from the distractions of my past profession, away from the fluctuating price tag and dirty exhausts of traditional fuel; and toward the future. DaiTechCorp is now my central aim. When you and I reconnect, the focus will be on helping you reduce your carbon footprint and advancing your sustainability goals. Together we can attain greatness:

  • Save on auto fuel costs

  • Identify new revenue streams

  • Stay competitive utilizing EV charging to enhance your customers’ experiences

  • Leverage opportunities to procure EV charging equipment at little or no net cost

  • Collect data through your EVCS program to optimize fleet management. 

And my favorite, explore how and where you can comparison shop for YOUR new dream electric vehicle.

Book a time for us to talk about your EV lifestyle.

Israel Wilson

Israel Wilson is a writer and strategist with a sharp focus on the intersection of technology, culture, and social impact. Drawing from lived experiences and a deep understanding of human behavior, Israel tells compelling stories that resonate with diverse audiences. His journalism explores how innovation can break down barriers and build bridges for communities often left behind. He brings a unique perspective to complex topics, always aiming to shine a light on the people, ideas, and solutions driving meaningful change.

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