This is What Electric Vehicle Dreams Are Made of
If the Rolls-Royce is your dream vehicle, you might as well:
dream emissions free,
hack ‘n stack residential
#EV infrastructure incentives, andsave on gas money.
Conventional wisdoms says that Rolls owners should not have to worry about tax credits or gasoline prices. I have an alternative philosophy. When I get the opportunity to own an electric Phantom, or the much anticipated Silent Shadow, I WON’T worry about the money I did not spend on dinosaur juice. I’ll spend my time and thoughts luxuriating in an emissions free environment.
This summer, all of us will get hammered on gasoline prices. The oil cartel members will make up for all their pandemic losses at our love-for-fossil-fuel expense. A few weeks before the Colonial Pipeline security breach, OPEC already made the decision to curtail oil production. The pipeline shutdown for nearly a week. A panic ensued and the queues at the pump mushroomed. The cyber attack is over and gasoline prices are still creeping above pre-Covid Vox prices.
The timing for the Colonial Pipeline event was perfect for the “global oil club” to employ a simple economics formula. They curtailed, reduced, or restricted supply. In turn, the prices at the pumped crept, then jumped to numbers we haven’t seen since the ‘aughts. The mash-up of the two situations is just a glimpse of what is to come over the next several months. At the end of the day, no matter your gas-guzzling-car-of-choice, @DaiTechCEO predicts (in a commonsensical kinda way) that of us are about to get taken for the proverbial ride.
So I ask, you aspiring “Rolls Roycers”, why pay more for gas when #ElectricVehicles are the “NewBlack” and you can dump your savings into cryptocurrency? Read More…